Michael Lavin Flower

class offerings based on enrollment
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3 weeks 6 hours / Tuition $300 / No lab fee
This is a primer / refresher course is for those who shoot primarily with smartphones.
Class will discuss and review controls within your smartphone that will improve your photographs. Shooting techniques used by professional photographers demonstrated that will improve and enhance your unaltered images. Class discussions will review available Ap’s that can expand the use of your device controlling aperture , shutter speed, and iso. Post-production manipulation of photographs will be demonstrated in class.
Student must provide Smartphone with most current updated operating system. Laptops for transfer and viewing of images are welcome but not required.
Wednesdays; 10AM-12PM (2 sessions)
2 weeks 4 hours / Tuition $200 / No Lab Fee
This class will cover a range of approaches to photographing your artwork for reproduction whether are using a smartphone or a 35mm DSLR or larger camera. Class will discuss the various qualities and temperatures of light sources and positioning of lighting to maximize the captured resolution of your 2D or 3D reproduction. Class demonstrations will review the pros and cons of using electronic flash, LED, and tungsten light sources along with their costs and limitations. Simple in-home or portable studio set ups for individual applications will be discussed. Students will leave having a greater understanding of what kind of space and lighting is required for their personal needs.
Student must provide Smartphone or 35 mm DSLR. Tripods are helpful to have available. Laptops for transfer and viewing of images are welcome and advantageous but not required for this class. In the event enrollment indicates two very distinct levels student skills and recording devices, (35mm DSLR v Smartphone) two sections of class will be offered.
Wednesdays: 12:30PM- 2:30PM
6 weeks / 12 hours / Tuition $600 / No Lab Fee
This class is designed for the individual who owns a 35mm DSLR and has never taken a class reviewing the technical functionality of their camera. Aperture, shutter speeds, iso, program modes, their relationships and settings will be discussed after establishing how your cameras light meter functions in its various modes. (All light meters are designed to provide similar information to the photographer about exposure).
It is the photographer’s selected method of use that provides them with the final captured result and how far they can manipulate and enlarge the captured file. Camera Raw v Jpg along with each of the advantages and disadvantages will be thoroughly discussed in class. An introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud along with intentional archiving practices will be introduced.
Student must provide 35 mm DSLR camera and lenses for their camera. Student are required to have reviewed the manufacturers camera manual and have available for each class. Camera battery (s) and charger must be present for all four 2-hour sessions.
Call for details
6 weeks / 12 hours / Tuition $600 / No Lab Fee
The first session of this class will be spent review basic technical information for capturing images to ensure the class has a thorough understanding of skills required at the intermediate level. It is also helpful for students to bring along 5 sample prints for discussion. While this class will support technical questions and approaches to improve your photography, the primary objective will be to address compositional, printing, content, and aesthetics concerns within your photographic interests. Students will create a thematic visual project they will explore and discuss on a weekly basis. Projects already underway may be continued. Use and applications of already owned or soon to be purchased equipment will be part of class conversation pertaining to everyone’s project. Rigorous discussion of archiving files along with use of Adobe Creative Cloud tools for postproduction processing will be covered as class progresses. A firm understanding of basic color profiles for home or lab printing along with preferences for printing media will be part of class curriculum .
Student must own and bring a 35mm or medium format DSLR camera to participate in this class. Student are required to have working knowledge of how their camera functions and always have their camera manual available in class. Student must own and know how to operate a personal laptop and have a current subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud. An external Hard Drive (SSD external drive preferable) must accompany the student’s equipment to class regularly. Classes will begin with a lively review and discussion of student images for projection or as prints.