6 weeks / 12 hours / Tuition $600 / No Lab Fee
Wednesdays: 12:30PM- 2:30PM
This class is designed for the individual who owns a 35mm DSLR and has never taken a class reviewing the technical functionality of their camera. Aperture, shutter speeds, iso, program modes, their relationships and settings will be discussed after establishing how your cameras light meter functions in its various modes. (All light meters are designed to provide similar information to the photographer about exposure).
It is the photographer’s selected method of use that provides them with the final captured result and how far they can manipulate and enlarge the captured file. Camera Raw v Jpg along with each of the advantages and disadvantages will be thoroughly discussed in class. An introduction to Adobe Creative Cloud along with intentional archiving practices will be introduced.
Student must provide 35 mm DSLR camera and lenses for their camera. Student are required to have reviewed the manufacturers camera manual and have available for each class. Camera battery (s) and charger must be present for all four 2-hour sessions.