2 weeks 4 hours / Tuition $200 / No Lab Fee
This class will cover a range of approaches to photographing your artwork for reproduction whether are using a smartphone or a 35mm DSLR or larger camera. Class will discuss the various qualities and temperatures of light sources and positioning of lighting to maximize the captured resolution of your 2D or 3D reproduction. Class demonstrations will review the pros and cons of using electronic flash, LED, and tungsten light sources along with their costs and limitations. Simple in-home or portable studio set ups for individual applications will be discussed. Students will leave having a greater understanding of what kind of space and lighting is required for their personal needs.
Student must provide Smartphone or 35 mm DSLR. Tripods are helpful to have available. Laptops for transfer and viewing of images are welcome and advantageous but not required for this class. In the event enrollment indicates two very distinct levels student skills and recording devices, (35mm DSLR v Smartphone) two sections of class will be offered.