6-Week, 12-Hour class / Tuition $600 /Lab Fee TBD / Student provided Materials & Supplies TBD
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In this class students will explore identity, persona, and their sense of self in relation to the natural world. Using digital photography via their own cell phones or digital cameras, we will create staged self-portraits using props, costumes, sculptures, and body sculptures of their own creation. Inspired by explorations into local environments and materials found in nature, students will use sculpture, collage, painting, drawing, gesture, and movement to create an expression of the Self as an art within the environment. We will engage in exercises that sensitize us to our experience of being alive within a unique human body in relationship to a specific place within nature. Students will be invited to familiarize themselves knowledge and experience of the ecosystem of a specific place, and learn about its history and its present plant, animal, and the coastal life. In each environment we will deepen our awareness of our relationship to the elements of earth, water and air that can inspire the process of our creative work. Time will be balanced between the studio and outdoor exploration.